quinta-feira, junho 01, 2017

Cio Dor, Techno Music Createur, auch Cio Dorbandt, sound architect, nasceu em Hannover, vive em Colôoónia, ist eine deutsche DJ, Perkussionistin, Musikproduzentin und Sounddesignerin in der elektronischen Musikszene and liquid, bleep, asia, trippy, acid, dub, Cinematic, Ambient et 1958,

 “ Your ears need to get used to some sounds to understand it all. If you’ve never heard it then you think ‘I can’t dance here, it’s shit, I’m gonna go."

E à sombra do há muito tempo aqui a árvore, esta aonde encostei o breve e pouco de mim, cruzamos de olhos fechados o pulsar de um coração que ainda não vive no que morreu - Morreste? pulsou a árvore, Sim. Não! pulsei eu. NunoAnael


No air, no sound. Just sayin'.
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Ultimate Otaku 
electro magnetic waves. which can make sound if used right just saying
Ultimate Otaku 
there's sound everywhere the sound you think of is vibration through air. you are quite def to the true sounds

Afrodite e as Horas

quarta-feira, maio 31, 2017

Rrose aka Seth 1969? USA, techno artist

I love Rrose but watching him live feels wrong
+Eduardo Guerreiro why?

Afrodite e as Horas

terça-feira, maio 30, 2017

Planningtorock ou PTR aka Janine Rostron, Bolton North West England, vive em Berlim

"I feel that the internal worlds of women are not that well represented by society. It is not an immediate thing people think about - the imagination of women or women's philosophy." Janine Rostron

cago, mijo, amo e tu !! tu e, eu mijo-cago e, amo! amas mija-caga? NuAL

Afrodite e as Horas